Social Media vs Reality

It is so easy to get caught up in what we see on social media, and naturally we compare ourselves to others. As we all know, people post the best versions of their life. I want to have a really uncut, vulnerable conversation with you.

Losing such a large amount of weight, people are very kind and compliment me. With that said, no one was complimenting me when I was doing the exact same thing I am doing now, eight months ago. There were weeks I trained hard, ate so clean, and the scale did not move. I felt defeated, I felt like everyone around me could eat cookies, and not gain weight. I would get on social media, look at influencers, and think why does it seem so easy for them. IT IS NOT EASY. Losing weight, working out, and staying disciplined is not easy. I cannot compare my struggles to someone’s highlight reel. I can tell you this…It really is about progress, and not perfection. I try to only compare myself to be better than the person I was yesterday. It’s hard. My journey has been just as much mental, as physical. It really takes a mind shift to be okay with who you are, and how you are showing up in the world.

With surgery coming up on May 9th, I am very nervous. A week ago I had a slight breakdown, and almost talked myself out of getting the surgery. I have anxiety, and not working out, and being around people will be very hard for me. My husband had to really talk me off the ledge. He said get the surgery, it too is a part of your journey. Listen friends, it is all hard, but we wake up and decide what life we are creating. It is your choice.


Emotional Healing


Losing 160 LBS