Get Over Yourself
I want to test my mental and physical fortitude. I want to show people that it is possible to change your life, and accomplish any goal you set your mind to. After my half marathon, I want to do a 70.3 Ironman.
It’s 5am, the pool is so cold, and I am hoping I can make it through an hour workout when I look around at all of these athletes with their Ironman water bottles. At the start of the workout I had already told myself this may not be for me. BEFORE I HAD EVEN SWAM A SINGLE LAP. I went back Wednesday, and it was easier than Monday, but I still acknowledged I was surrounded by great athletes that are far far more advanced than I was. Everyone was so nice. One of the guys told me when he started he was doggie paddling the entire length of the pool. Ok, it is true…Athletes are not born, they are created through hard work and discipline. Oh wait, isn’t that life? Are you ever great at anything without putting in the work? Success doesn’t taste as sweet when it’s easy.
I was invited to run with a group that meets a couple times a week at 4:30am. My alarm goes off at 3:50am, I reluctantly get up, and I show up to run around the track thinking I bet there are people that will run my pace. Again, incredible runners. They have all ran the Boston Marathon, and their jog is my sprint. That day I left, and honestly felt pretty down about my running abilities. I thought I am never running with this group again. They are way too fast. I was in my head for about a day.
I had to get over myself. You are the only one judging you. You cannot compare your start to someone else’s journey. These athletes have put in the work. They have showed up day in and day out for themselves. Of course I am not where they are. I haven’t put in the work. I can tell you this - I will never get to where they are unless I keep showing up. I often like to say it is not about motivation, it is about discipline. I respect the discipline of the athletes I am surrounding myself with.
I once had a quote hanging in my office I caught a lot of shit for that said, “I’d rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity.” My coworkers would say, oh Chelsi, you are so extra. You’re damn right I am. I am going to work hard and hustle, because that is who I am.
Remember who you are, stay inspired, do the work, and surround yourself with people that are better than you. You will never be where you want if you don’t start.