This Is Me

Who am I? I am a small town girl who still loves Hank Williams Jr., went to 4-H camp, wrestled some pigs, spent many of days hanging out on my best friend’s dairy farm, and never let anything stand in my way.

As a child, your life is wild and free. You don’t worry about jumping in a lake with snakes, and snapping turtles, you are excited you get to go swimming. If you tried something and it didn’t work out, you tried again. I have always viewed failure as a learning opportunity.

You go through the lows to appreciate the highs. I truly believe if you have never lost yourself, you do not know what you are made of. Sometimes I remind myself I need to remember what I am made of, and to be fearless just as I was as I child. I will only fail if I stop trying.

My husband and I often talk about potential. Potential is a powerful thing if it is fulfilled. There are so many people with “great potential.” There are very few that tap into it. You may be capable of doing a lot of things, but until you put in the work, the things you want in your life are not just going to appear. I encourage you to hustle and show some grit. Be the person you dreamt of being when you were a child. You are deserving of the life you’ve always wanted. Go get it.

Upcoming Challenge - April 26 - May 26

  • The goal is to lose the highest percentage of your current weight.

  • Everyone will be put in a private Facebook group where we will post tips, and you can encourage each other.

  • Every Wednesday you will weigh in, and send me your weight. I will send a word on Tuesday evening that you must write on a piece of paper, and have in the picture with your scale.

  • The last weigh in will be May 26th.

  • You’ll learn how to create healthy meal plans you can stick to daily, become and intuitive eater, and create confidence in your body.

  • Fill out the form below if you are interested, or you can message me on Facebook or Instagram.


Who You Are


Finding Balance