Finding Balance

I think balance is bullshit. For me, I have had to learn how to function in the chaos of life. I have had to learn the more I want to control something, the more it controls me.

I have to focus on my priorities. Sometimes that shifts around a bit. If you know me, you know I have a bit of an intense personality. I am really good at hyper-focusing on one thing. I constantly remind myself you can be a mom, and not make homemade treats, you can be a wife and not do your husband's laundry, you can work, but not let it be all that you are, and you can be healthy and an athlete without obsessing over what you are eating and when you are working out.

I think the more important question to ask is what makes you happy, and when do you feel less stressed? Let's define that.

 Things that make me feel less stressed? A schedule. I have to have a schedule, and a to-do list. I need structure. I have to exercise, and eat healthy. I feel less stressed when I have no clutter in my house, and it is oh so clean. I am big on journaling and reflecting to help me work through each day.

Happiness to me is spending time with my family, friends, and all those who I hold so closely to my heart. Time makes me happy. Time to do the things I want to do - take Henry to the park, travel, spend a Sunday afternoon with my family. Happiness is succeeding in my job. I work with the best group of people at FC Tucker Emge. A group that has loved and supported me through so much. I find so much joy in giving back to others. Honestly, I used to be better at this. I need to commit to making this a priority again. To me, the greatest happiness is loving and being loved.

I can tell you I spent too many years being unhappy, thinking I could never find the perfect balance. Here's a secret - it does not exist. Define your happiness, be grateful, and learn to love the mess.


This Is Me


Iā€™m An Addict